Having been deprived for decades without electricity and other many social amenities, the people of Adjaraja were very sceptical at the promise to bring them telephone and other Information and telecommunication Technology (ICT) facilities which require electricity to power the equipment. Anxiety set in and their fear of being hyped was confirmed when the community was informed that the date of arrival of the much awaited eCARE centre has been postponed. It was a dream come true and ecstasy when a DHL Truck arrived with the container followed by the eCARE project and Ghana Telecom regional team to prepare the ground for the final commissioning of the middle sector eCARE rollout at Adjaraja Beposo.

Interaction with some members of the village revealed that the installation of the eCARE centre at Adjaraja will save the people from walking or travelling 7 kilometres to Prang or 27 kilometres to Atebubu just to make calls, buy recharge phone units for their cell phone or have their mobile phones charged amidst the highly unreliable transport system.
The people of Adjaraja Beposo were the first to benefit from the eCARE facility in Ashanti, Brong-Ahafo and the northern regions of Ghana. Adjaraja Beposo is an under-privileged farming community near Prang in the Pru District of Brong Ahafo region of Ghana. The village and the surrounding community have a total population of about 8500 with farming and trading as the main economic activities. Adjaraja has no electricity, post office, clinic, and pipe borne water to name a few.
The centre was commissioned on august 24, 2006 and please watch out for update on the commissioning which witnessed an overwhelming participation.